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... at Joe Val
(photo by Marla Singleton)

Workshops and Master Classes

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The primary mission of the Boston Bluegrass Union is to help keep this wonderful music alive through education. Throughout the year we organize and host jams and workshops for both adults and kids to introduce them to bluegrass, help them learn to sing or play an instrument, and get them involved in the growing bluegrass community in New England.

One of the best aspects of bluegrass music is that it is easy-to-learn and participatory. Absolute beginners can quickly learn a few tunes and join the fun. Check out the activities on this page, find something interesting, and starting picking! For more information email us at

Nancy Harrowitz, Tony Watt
BBU Education Co-Directors

Monthly jams for school-age kids include instruction and lots of fun. They are hosted by parents and taught by experienced, patient, professional educators. more info

Joe Val Kids Academy

Aspiring musicians age 5-17 take instrument workshops from professional musicians Friday evening to Sunday morning, and then perform on the main Stage Sunday at 12pm. A great learning experience for all!

more info..

registration form….

Support our Programs

The BBU is a non-profit 503c organization, and all donations are tax-deductable. Contact us if you are interested is supporting our kids or adult education activities via email us at