The continued success of the Joe Val Bluegrass Festival is entirely dependent on the army of volunteers we need each year to sell tickets, answer questions, check for wristbands, help bands, and countless other jobs. We need your help!
Reimbursement and Age Policy
This information will be determined and posted prior to the next Joe Val festival.
Volunteer Application
At the bottom of this paragraph is a link to an application page where you can 1) provide your contact information, 2) indicate your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices for volunteer tasks and 3) indicate when you are willing and available to volunteer. Shifts and tasks are generally assigned based on need and past experience, but the earlier you fill out an applicatoin the more likely you are to receive your first, second, or third choices. Note that all assignments, duties and hours are subject to last minute change per the demands of the festival. Preference is given to previous volunteers.
Volunteer Task Descriptions
Below are descriptions of the most common volunteer tasks. Please review these descriptions before you complete the on-line application form.
BBU Sales Table
Working with the sales table manager, sell BBU merchandise, Raffle Tickets, BBU memberships and tickets to future BBU events as well as answer questions and assist festival attendees. The main requirements for this job are good people skills and the ability to handle money and make change. The table is located in the back of the concert hall within sight of the main stage. While you get to watch the show while you work, this can be a very busy assignment. The BBU table is always staffed with 2 – 5 volunteers, so you can expect to have helpers with you at all times.
Festival Ticket Sales
Works under the guidance of the BBU treasurer and sells tickets to festival attendees, as well as checks and verifies names of people who bought their tickets on-line. Ticket Sales volunteers also dispense and attach wristbands to paid guests, and answer general questions. Skill at handling money and making change a big plus. The Ticket Sales table is located outside the ballroom in the hallway.
Showroom Door Monitor
Stands at the entrance to the hotel ballroom (concert site) and verifies that all people attempting to enter the hotel ballroom have the proper wristband and that the wristband is displayed in the proper manner. Keeps the area around the door clear and quiet during performances. A good job since you can watch the show while you work, but you need to be someone who can be polite but firm when someone tries to enter without showing a wristband.
Green Room Door Monitor
The main duty of the Door Monitor is to help insure that the Green Room is a quiet and secure retreat for our artists and VIP guests. Many people want to get into the Green Room to schmooze with artists and guests – you must be willing to politely but firmly say NO to those who don’t meet the criteria for admittance. Instructions and procedures will be posted on the wall outside the Green Room for your reference. Should questions or disputes arise around Green Room access, the BBU Green Room Manager will resolve the issue for you.
Workshop Monitor
Working with a team of other volunteers, make sure that the artists arrive on time for their presentations, and help the artist if required. Keep the rooms clean and the chairs organized. Make sure the noise in the corridor is kept to a minimum. Check for proper wristbands. This is a good opportunity to interact with the artists and to sit in on some of the finest workshops available.
Instrument Check-In Room
Check instruments in and out of our secure instrument check room. You will need to ensure that all instrument cases have an identification tag, are carefully stowed and that all users fill out a simple form. You will check instruments in and out, explain checkroom hours and policies and will need to treat everyone’s instrument with care. You can expect to be very busy at times and will need to deal with people who may be in a hurry. You will work in teams of two so that you always have back-up. The check-room will be free this year so no money handling will be involved.
The Floater is a volunteer who is able to substitute for a volunteer that is unable to work their assigned shift. The floater reports to the volunteer coordinator’s desk ten minutes before each shift change. Once all the other volunteers are present at their assignments and the floater is not needed, the floater is released and is given credit for a completed shift.
Miscellaneous light duty tasks.
Posting signage within the hotel.
Signage Removal Crew
Following the final band, make a sweep of the hotel to remove all our signage posted during the course of the weekend. Approximately one hour.
Volunteer Task Times
Most shifts are two hours long, but not every task is required every shift. Here are the general times for most tasks (note that these can also change at the last-minute):
BBU Sales Table
Fri 6pm-8pm,8pm-10pm,10pm-closing.
Sat 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm,2pm-4pm,4pm-6pm,6pm-8pm,8pm-10pm,10pm-closing.
Sun 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm,2pm-4pm,4pm-6pm
Festival Ticket Sales
Fri & Sat 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm,2pm-4pm,4pm-6pm,6pm-8pm,8pm-10pm,10pm-closing.
Sun 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm, 2pm-4pm
Show Room Door Monitor, Green Room Door Monitor, Floater
Fri 6pm-8pm,8pm-10pm,10pm-closing.
Sat 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm,2pm-4pm,4pm-6pm,6pm-8pm,8pm-10pm,10pm-closing.
Sun 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm,2pm-4pm,4pm-6pm
Workshop Monitor
Sat & Sun 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm,2pm-4pm, 4pm-5pm
Instrument Check-In Room
Sat 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm,2pm-4pm,4pm-6pm,6pm-8pm,8pm-10pm,10pm-closing.
Sun 10am-Noon, Noon-2pm,2pm-4pm, 4-6pm
Friday Morning and Afternoon Setup
Fri 9am-Noon, Noon-4pm
Statement Concerning Alcohol/Controlled Substances
The use, sale, exchange or possession of alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances (illegal drugs) while working during your volunteer shift is prohibited. Any volunteer violating this policy will be asked to leave their post immediately, and may be ineligible for any ticket rebates and consideration for future volunteer assignments with the BBU.
Your personal safety is of prime importance to the BBU. Under no circumstances should you attempt to lift or perform any task that you feel is beyond your ability. You have the right and responsibility to decline any such task. If you do, it will be the responsibility of the BBU to relieve you of such tasks and to assign the task to the proper person.
If you have any questions about volunteering you can contact the Festival Volunteer Coordinator Jim McDonough at Thanks in advance for volunteering!
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