Our Saturday, January 9th, at 7:30 p.m. the Blue Moon Coffeehouse in Rockland features The Four Legged Faithful. The Four Legged Faithful is a Massachusetts-based Americana band known for creating beautiful, heart-felt, genuine music using traditional folk/bluegrass instruments. All members sing, creating multiple combinations of 2, 3, and 4-part harmonies, and all of the guys write songs about their thoughts, their families, and the natural world that surrounds them. Their music swings seamlessly between soulful harmonic vocals and fast-paced instrumental breaks. They have made three CDs together: Human Being Feeling, Regret and Resolve, and Devoured in the Dark. Between sets by the band, there will be an open mike. Tickets are $10 at the door; children 12 and under are free. The address is 45 Webster St. Rockland, MA. For more information, check out the Blue Moon Facebook page or the website: www.thebluemooncoffeehouse.com. You can listen to the band at https://youtu.be/nrTEeTeTxRA?list=RDnrTEeTeTxRA.

- This event has passed.