The Cornfed Dogs ‘n Cats
“Rendering bluegrass 101 the way it should be”
Sunday, November 10, 2013 5:00-8:00 PM
“The friendliest room in bluegrass!”
539 Broad St Hartford, CT 06106
for info call 203-650-3492
Check out this great article on the Bluegrass Series by Dick Bowden in BluegrassToday’s webzine!
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The sun sets at 4:35 PM….gonna be dark…yay!!
So, here we go, with a special, and most exciting edition of “Cornfed!” Not only do we have Dogs, we have “Cats!” Yes, two of the country’s newest bluegrass phenoms…Laura Orshaw, crazy on the fiddle…and vocals, and BB Bowness, up…from down, New Zealand way…to show off her banjer chops, and sings too!
So, it is my pleasure to let the “Cats” render their stuff! Together, we expect the highest and lonesom’est renditions of pioneering bluegrass. There will be many happy folks, loading into the Firebox for another memorable and fun Sunday night! Join us!
Oh yes…I forgot, I love doing shows with the busiest “Instructor of all things bluegrass,” Mr Tony Watt, will pick ‘n chop his mandolin, and travel up ‘n down the neck for some powerful instrumentals on the guitar too…and you just never know what he might play or sing!
We have lots of surprises for you, so join us…at “the friendliest room in bluegrass! The room has been crowded…so come on in early, and stay late…you’ll still be home early…after we “Drink up and go home!”
Nick Novia-Guitar
Laura Orshaw-Fiddle
BB Bowness-Banjo
Joe DeLillo-Bass
Tony Watt-Mandolin
If you don’t think this is gonna be a great show…you don’t know nuthin’!
You know we’ll ALWAYS play the BEST bluegrass!
The Firebox wins “Best Restaurant in Hartford!”,0,5779118.story
Take it from me…the Firebox is great! The menu, full of fresh and local items, is amazing!
Nick Novz
BigApple’achia Music
Cornfed Dogs
Appalachian Pals
Information/Booking/MC/Event planning
nnovia “AT”